Home Buyer Ready

Home Buyer Ready

Buying or building a home is exciting – but knowing where to start can be confusing. Start your journey here.

HomeStart have developed a program with the relevant information all in one place and provides support tools to help you get started. So you can have the confidence you need to take steps toward owning your own home.

About Home Buyer Ready Program

The program covers the important aspects of buying or building your own home, such as how to budget and save for a deposit, understand the costs involved and how to work out how much you can borrow and what your repayments might be. The program shares the steps involved when home hunting or building, what to do once you’ve found the right one, what to expect during the settlement process and after you get the keys.

Get started

So take a step toward your home buying journey below and learn more.

Get ready to buy

Learn about common loan terminology to get home loan ready.

Start learning

Find the right one

What to consider and the steps involved in home hunting.


Start learning

Work out what you can afford

Plan for the different costs associated with buying a home.


Start learning

Save for a deposit

Crunch your numbers and start your home ownership savings plan.


Start learning

Build your home

What you need to consider and what is involved when building a new home.

Start learning

Buy your home

The home stretch between signing on the dotted line and settlement.

Start learning

You’re a homeowner

Considerations once you have settled into your home.

Start learning

Learn about the steps toward home ownership and when you are ready, you can start an application with HomeStart at Apply Online or attend one of our free Home Buyer Seminars.